Sunday, October 30, 2011

File under: Jackal bites man

Over a thousand Palestinians convicted of terrorism were released just a few days ago in return for Gilad Shalit. Last night rockets were fired at Israeli population centers in the south of the country killing one and wounding several. (link)

There is a logical fallacy that goes by the Latin name of "cum hoc, ergo propter hoc." Or in simpler words, correlation does not imply causality.  This is all to say that I shouldn't jump to conclusions just because the attack on civilians in Israel closely followed the release of the Palestinian convicts. I really shouldn't, but it's hard not to.

One would think that releasing over one thousand prisoners would qualify in anyone's mind as a "confidence building gesture."  A gesture that maybe would inspire the Hamas leadership to seek some sort of understanding with Israel. Apparently not.

In related news: the sun will set tonight in the west and rise tomorrow morning in the east.

1 comment:

  1. Well, in a related bit of news to the prisoner swap and confidence building:

    Apparently a Saudi Royal was so moved by the release of the 1,027 prisoners that he is now confidently offering a reward of $900,000 for capture of Israeli soldiers. Here's a link to the news article where I read this story (I found the story because it was linked on Drudge)...


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