Wednesday, October 5, 2011

This is getting to be a habit

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Prof. Daniel Schechtman of the Technion, the Israeli Institute of Technology.  Heartfelt congratulations go to Prof. Schechtman on this marvelous achievement. (link)  As I understand it, his discovery and understanding of quasicrystals changed the way we understand matter and made possible all sorts of useful applications including really good razors.  So, from myself and on behalf of the men and women around the world that shave with a razor let me just say, "Thanks, Prof!"

It seems to be that since the early 2000s (naughties?) some Israel-based academic wins a Nobel prize every couple of years.  Far from diminishing their accomplishments, this happy fact makes all of them shine all the brighter and if some of that shine should rub off on us ordinary folk, then all's for the best.  Winning once is a fluke, twice is a coincidence.  More than that and you begin to feel that there might be something there.  What a great piece of news.

On related news: the sun will set tonight in the west and rise in the east tomorrow morning and summer ended on September 23rd. 

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Disproportionately Evil

Disproportionately Evil I had plain forgotten that at some point in the distant past I tried to write this blog. I did keep it up for a whil...